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I’ve seen a lot of questions out there about headaches lately. This actually used to be a huge issue for me. Many of the following supplements are herbs. Herbs should not be taken with medications, prescription or over the counter, because herbs can be very interactive with different chemicals especially if they are focusing on the same ailment. Here is an example to make this more clear. If I am going to take Ibuprofen, I don’t want to take butterbur, feverfew, or ginger during the 6 or so hours Ibuprofen would be active in my body. If you have any questions about taking natural supplements and you are on prescription medications, I recommend you ask your doctor or a pharmacist before taking them. The natural supplements and life tips that are well known for helping headaches and migraines are as follows: Natural Supplements: Butterbur - This herb helps alleviate inflammation and tension which oftentimes cause headaches or migraines. Usual...
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