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Don’t you hate waking up in the morning unable to breathe? Usually only in the spring and summer or at the change of seasons? Allergies are very common. Especially the seasonal ones. I, for one, am basically allergic to spring, summer, and fall. I’ve actually started coming down with asthma because of the allergies.
Allergies are just an inappropriate response by your body’s immune system toward a usually harmless substance. Some allergies have symptoms that are just annoying, such as coughing, sneezing, running or stuffy nose, itchy or watery eyes, or even a skin rash. Allergies can be life threatening to some people and can cause anaphylaxis which can cause your esophagus to swell, cutting off the airway.
One of the most common culprits of a life threatening allergy is peanuts. People with peanut allergies should be diligent in making sure they do not come into contact or consume peanuts and should carry an Epipen at all times in case contact with peanuts or another allergen causing anaphylaxis occurs. I’m still learning what the best combination of supplements is for myself, but these are the components I have found that have an impact on fighting the annoying allergy symptoms.


Quercetin and Bromelain - Quercetin is a bioflavonoid that is directly linked to helping with asthma. Bioflavonoids are not produced by the body, so if you want the benefits of them, you’ll need to supplement. Bromelain is an enzyme found in pineapple that is known for helping with inflammation at high potencies, known for helping to decrease congestion at medium potencies, and can even assist with digestion at lower potencies. It is best to take quercetin and bromelain together when it comes to allergies because they work together to lessen symptoms of allergies. My favorite quercetin and bromelain supplement to use is by Doctor’s Best. I take 2 capsules twice daily and I’ve found that it even helps with my migraines. It is best to start with a smaller dose and go from there because every person’s body is different, so I’d recommend taking two caps once per day or 1 cap twice daily to start and see how it goes for you.
Stinging nettles - This herb helps reduce mucus especially in the lungs. This is great for anyone who gets post nasal drip causing a cough because it can help reduce the post nasal drip and assist with preventing that dreaded cough. I actually use the quercetin and bromelain with the stinging nettles when my allergies get really bad and I call it my natural Benadryl. The best thing about this combination compared to Benadryl is that it doesn’t cause drowsiness. The only stinging nettles product I have ever used it by the Vitamin Shoppe Brand. I was told by a friend to take two capsules twice daily but again, every person’s body is different and that dose may be too low or too high, so I’d recommend taking two caps daily or one cap twice daily to start and see how it goes for you.

Astragalus - An herb that helps with symptoms of cold, flu, and other immune related issues. It can also help combat fatigue and increase stamina which can help with energy levels while dealing with allergy symptoms. One warning I see when it comes to this herb is to not take it while a fever is present because it can produce sudden sweating. Again, the only astragalus product I have used is by the Vitamin Shoppe Brand. The directions tell you to take one to three capsules per day and I would agree to go by that. Personally, I have taken three caps per day and I never noticed anything, but another of my friends said that she swears by astragalus, so I recommend giving it a try to see how it works for you.

Multivitamin - Additional vitamins and minerals from a multivitamin helps give your body that baseline of nutrition which can help with energy levels, immune response, stress response, sleep, and may help prevent vitamin and mineral deficiencies. This baseline is a good thing to have even if you are not suffering from allergies, but it is even more important if you are because you want to give your body as many tools as possible to fight the toll of having allergies. There are a plethora of multivitamins out there so I can’t recommend a specific one for everyone to try and I jump from brand to brand. I would suggest finding a whole food based multi from a health food or supplement store near you.

B-Complex - B Vitamins focus mainly on the nervous system. They also assist with energy production, stress response, and sleep quality. Who wouldn’t want to increase those? B Vitamins are one of my personal favorite supplements to take. The B vitamin I fell in love with a long time ago is by the Vitamin Shoppe Brand. B vitamins are water soluble which means that you can take as high a dose as you want and your body will absorb what is needed and flush out the rest. I wouldn’t recommend taking an insanely high amount though because they get flushed out through your kidneys and you don’t want to over work those special organs. Because B vitamins get flushed through the kidneys, that means you will pee out the excess which will make your urine abnormally yellow, so don’t worry that you are dehydrated. It's completely normal. For dosage, I would recommend starting with one capsule twice daily with food. I’d recommend taking them with breakfast and lunch instead of dinner because I noticed a real energy boost with them and I don’t want to be the cause of anyone losing sleep because they just aren’t tired. You also won’t notice too much of a difference from the B vitamins for about a week, so be patient because it is worth the wait.

Vitamin C - This water soluble vitamin helps your body’s immune system. It can also assist with energy especially when mixed with the B Vitamins. There is this product called Emergen-C which are small packets of powdered Vitamin C and a B Complex. This product comes in a variety of flavors and is great to add a little flavor to your water. I like to add two packets to a normal 16.9 fl oz water bottle and shake it up. Like B vitamins, your body will absorb what is needed and flush out the rest. The only difference is which end the get flushed through. If you take in way more than your body wants, you may end up with a more urgent stop by the bathroom a few hours later. I’d start small and work your way up.

Probiotic - Probiotics are good bacteria that live in your gut. Your gut consists of about 60% of your immune system, so keeping your gut healthy, assists your immune system immensely. Your gut is also an extremely important organ for balance of your whole body so if you want to skip out on one of your daily supplements, a probiotic is not the one to choose. It is important to introduce different good bacterias frequently. I started by taking Dr. Mercola’s Complete Probiotic which I absolutely love. The directions say to take two capsules daily giving you 70 Billion CFU. Your body typically needs 25-50 Billion CFU per day, so I would take one cap per day getting you 35 Billion CFU. You can feel free to increase your dose anytime, but for sake of cost, you can make this bottle last two months.

Proteolytic Enzymes - These enzymes are not to be used to assist digestion. These enzymes are to be taken on an empty stomach (30 minutes before eating or 2 hours after eating but still 30 minutes before eating again). Proteolytic Enzymes can help to break down scar tissue, decrease inflammation, break down mucus, increase blood flow, increase immune system, and can even help reduce plaque in your cardiovascular system and in your mouth. One important proteolytic enzyme to use for allergies is bromelain. By using enzymes, you can lower the impact allergies take by decreasing mucus buildup and decreasing inflammation throughout your body. There are several brands that make singular proteolytic enzymes, but I would recommend getting a product that has a complex of different enzymes to get a more complete dosage.

Non-Supplemental Solutions:

Eucalyptus Oil - This essential oil is great to help clear out sinuses if you diffuse the oil into the air via a diffuser or by putting it in the bath or shower with the hot water. It will rise into the air and help you breathe again while you shower.

Nasal Spray - Xlear Nasal Spray is great to use to clean out sinuses. The xylitol in this product helps to kill any bacteria and dry up mucus in the sinuses.

Air Filter - HEPA Air Filters can help get allergens out of the air. These are best put in the bedroom so you have clean air to breathe in while you sleep and also in the room you spend the most time in during your waking hours to get the best benefits of having an air filter.

Nasal Spray - Xlear Nasal Spray is great to use to clean out sinuses. The xylitol in this product helps to kill any bacteria and dry up mucus in the sinuses.

Air Filter - HEPA Air Filters can help get allergens out of the air. These are best put in the bedroom so you have clean air to breathe in while you sleep and also in the room you spend the most time in during your waking hours to get the best benefits of having an air filter.

Other Tips and Pointers:

Avoid dairy
- Increases mucus production.

Increase Water
- more water in your body decreases the thickness of the mucus which helps loosen it up. This will make it easier to discharge it or break it down.
Please let me know how any of these products work for you in the comments below. You can also feel free to add anything I may have missed or are not aware of that helps with allergies. Any questions are also always welcome!
Thank you for reading my post!


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